Tumore del rene
Tumore del rene

Ogni anno, più di 350.000 nuovi casi di tumore del rene vengono diagnosticati nel mondo. L’incidenza della patologia (il termine che in medicina indica il numero di nuove diagnosi ogni anno) sta aumentando progressivamente, in particolare nei Paesi Occidentali, dove fattori predisponenti comportamentali (soprattutto fumo e obesità) e ambientali (in particolare sostanze inquinanti) stanno determinando un aumento del rischio di sviluppare la malattia. Numerosi aspetti di predisposizione genetica sono stati chiariti (ad esempio le mutazioni a carico di un gene chiamato VHL) anche se la maggior parte dei casi il tumore si sviluppa in assenza di ereditarietà familiare. La malattia colpisce sia gli uomini che le donne e soprattutto tra i 50 e i 70 anni di età, nonostante esistano molti casi diagnosticati anche in soggetti molto più giovani. Spesso il tumore al rene viene scoperto per caso, durante esami eseguiti per altri motivi (ad esempio una ecografia dell'addome) in assenza di sintomi evidenti. In questi casi la prognosi è generalmente molto buona con una guarigione completa dopo trattamento medico da parte dell'urologo. In un terzo circa dei casi, il tumore si identifica purtroppo per la presenza di sintomi (ad esempio dolore al fianco, sangue nelle urine, febbre di origine sconosciuta) che sono spesso secondari alla presenza di una malattia localmente avanzata o addirittura metastatica. In questi casi, la prognosi è purtroppo compromessa dalla presenza di una malattia molto più aggressiva.


Nel passato, nei casi in cui veniva riscontrata una "massa anomala" del rene, il paziente veniva sottoposto a interventi chirurgici demolitivi e invasivi che comportavano una grossa incisione addominale, la rimozione di tutto il rene e della ghiandola surrenalica (un piccolo organo che si trova sopra al rene e che è responsabile di produrre ormoni). Oggi giorno, i dati scientifici hanno ormai confermato che in molti casi si può intervenire rimuovendo solo la parte del rene malato oppure sottoporre il paziente a trattamenti alternativi (ad esempio bruciando o congelando il tumore per via percutanea, cioè inserendo un ago attraverso la cute). In alcuni casi particolari, il paziente può addirittura andare incontro alla semplice osservazione nel tempo poiché, soprattutto quando diagnosticati precocemente e di piccole dimensioni, le masse renali risultano spesso malattie benigne o a bassa aggressività.

Quando l'intervento diventa necessario, il miglioramento delle tecniche chirurgiche mini-invasive (soprattutto laparoscopia e chirurgia robotica) ha diminuito l’impatto delle terapie sul decorso post-operatorio e sulla qualità di vita nel lungo periodo. Infine, lo sviluppo di nuovi farmaci biologici e la loro integrazione con la terapia chirurgica stanno contribuendo a migliorare il controllo oncologico anche nei casi di malattie già metastatiche alla diagnosi.

            In conclusione, oggigiorno il tumore del rene rappresenta uno di quegli esempi in medicina dove gli sforzi nella ricerca clinica e di base hanno permesso di fare passi da gigante, migliorando non solo la sopravvivenza degli ammalati ma anche la qualità di vita dei pazienti. Fondamentale è tuttavia condurre uno stile di vita sano e sottoporsi ai controlli medici periodici, specialmente nei soggetti a rischio (fumatori, ipertesi, sovrappeso, soggetti con familiarità positiva per patologia renale). Inoltre, mai sottovalutare i segnali del nostro corpo: in caso di comparsa di nuovi sintomi è consigliabile una valutazione del proprio medico di famiglia e una eventuale visita specialistica urologica nel caso si sospetti la presenza di una patologia renale.


Di seguito sono riportati alcuni degli articoli scientifici pubblicati dal dr. Capitanio nell'ambito del tumore del rene (Fonte: Pubmed-Scopus 2023):

1: CAPITANIO U, Bensalah K, Bex A, Boorjian SA, Bray F, Coleman J, Gore JL, Sun

M, Wood C, Russo P. Epidemiology of Renal Cell Carcinoma. Eur Urol. 2019

Jan;75(1):74-84. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2018.08.036. Epub 2018 Sep 19. PMID:

30243799; PMCID: PMC8397918.


2: CAPITANIO U, Montorsi F. Renal cancer. Lancet. 2016 Feb

27;387(10021):894-906. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00046-X. Epub 2015 Aug 25.

PMID: 26318520.


3: Ljungberg B, Albiges L, Abu-Ghanem Y, Bedke J, CAPITANIO U, Dabestani S,

Fernández-Pello S, Giles RH, Hofmann F, Hora M, Klatte T, Kuusk T, Lam TB,

Marconi L, Powles T, Tahbaz R, Volpe A, Bex A. European Association of Urology

Guidelines on Renal Cell Carcinoma: The 2022 Update. Eur Urol. 2022

Oct;82(4):399-410. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2022.03.006. Epub 2022 Mar 26. PMID:



4: Rosiello G, Larcher A, Montorsi F, CAPITANIO U. Renal cancer: overdiagnosis

and overtreatment. World J Urol. 2021 Aug;39(8):2821-2823. doi:

10.1007/s00345-021-03798-z. PMID: 34383133.


5: Martini A, Fallara G, Pellegrino F, Cirulli GO, Larcher A, Necchi A, Montorsi

F, CAPITANIO U. Neoadjuvant and adjuvant immunotherapy in renal cell carcinoma.

World J Urol. 2021 May;39(5):1369-1376. doi: 10.1007/s00345-020-03550-z. Epub

2021 Jan 1. PMID: 33386494.


6: Roussel E, CAPITANIO U, Kutikov A, Oosterwijk E, Pedrosa I, Rowe SP, Gorin

MA. Novel Imaging Methods for Renal Mass Characterization: A Collaborative

Review. Eur Urol. 2022 May;81(5):476-488. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2022.01.040.

Epub 2022 Feb 22. PMID: 35216855; PMCID: PMC9844544.


7: Bedke J, Albiges L, CAPITANIO U, Giles RH, Hora M, Lam TB, Ljungberg B,

Marconi L, Klatte T, Volpe A, Abu-Ghanem Y, Dabestani S, Pello SF, Hofmann F,

Kuusk T, Tahbaz R, Powles T, Bex A. The 2021 Updated European Association of

Urology Guidelines on Renal Cell Carcinoma: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-based

Combination Therapies for Treatment-naive Metastatic Clear-cell Renal Cell

Carcinoma Are Standard of Care. Eur Urol. 2021 Oct;80(4):393-397. doi:

10.1016/j.eururo.2021.04.042. Epub 2021 May 29. PMID: 34074559.


8: Campi R, Stewart GD, Staehler M, Dabestani S, Kuczyk MA, Shuch BM, Finelli A,

Bex A, Ljungberg B, CAPITANIO U. Novel Liquid Biomarkers and Innovative Imaging

for Kidney Cancer Diagnosis: What Can Be Implemented in Our Practice Today? A

Systematic Review of the Literature. Eur Urol Oncol. 2021 Feb;4(1):22-41. doi:

10.1016/j.euo.2020.12.011. Epub 2021 Jan 3. PMID: 33408053.


9: Stabile A, Muttin F, Zamboni S, Moschini M, Gandaglia G, Fossati N,

Dell'Oglio P, CAPITANIO U, Cucchiara V, Mazzone E, Bravi CA, Mirone V, Montorsi

F, Briganti A. Therapeutic approaches for lymph node involvement in prostate,

bladder and kidney cancer. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2019 Sep;19(9):739-755.

doi: 10.1080/14737140.2019.1659135. Epub 2019 Aug 30. PMID: 31469021.


10: CAPITANIO U, Larcher A, Cianflone F, Trevisani F, Nini A, Mottrie A, Mari A,

Campi R, Tellini R, Briganti A, Veccia A, Van Poppel H, Carini M, Simeone C,

Salonia A, Minervini A, Antonelli A, Montorsi F, Bertini R. Hypertension and

Cardiovascular Morbidity Following Surgery for Kidney Cancer. Eur Urol Oncol.

2020 Apr;3(2):209-215. doi: 10.1016/j.euo.2019.02.006. Epub 2019 Mar 25. PMID:



11: Ingels A, Campi R, CAPITANIO U, Amparore D, Bertolo R, Carbonara U, Erdem S,

Kara Ö, Klatte T, Kriegmair MC, Marchioni M, Mir MC, Ouzaïd I, Pavan N, Pecoraro

A, Roussel E, de la Taille A. Complementary roles of surgery and systemic

treatment in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Nat Rev Urol. 2022

Jul;19(7):391-418. doi: 10.1038/s41585-022-00592-3. Epub 2022 May 11. PMID:



12: CAPITANIO U, Rosiello G, Erdem S, Rowe I, Kara O, Roussel E, Campi R, Klatte

T, Kriegmair MC, Sibona M, Bertolo R, Ouzaid I, Mir MC, Marra G, Larcher A,

Montorsi F, Salonia A; Kidney Cancer Working Group of the Young Academic

Urologists (YAU) Working Party of the European Association of Urology (EAU).

Clinical, surgical, pathological and follow-up features of kidney cancer

patients with Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome: novel insights from a large

consortium. World J Urol. 2021 Aug;39(8):2969-2975. doi:

10.1007/s00345-020-03574-5. Epub 2021 Jan 8. PMID: 33416974.


13: CAPITANIO U, Fallara G, Raggi D, Nocera L, Larcher A, Belladelli F, Rowe I,

Briganti A MD,PhD, Salonia A MD,PhD, Karakiewicz P, Montorsi F, Martini A,

Necchi A. Pembrolizumab in advanced renal cell carcinoma: a meta-analysis

providing level 1a evidence. Curr Probl Cancer. 2022 Aug;46(4):100875. doi:

10.1016/j.currproblcancer.2022.100875. Epub 2022 Jun 1. PMID: 35679628.


14: Campi R, Rebez G, Klatte T, Roussel E, Ouizad I, Ingels A, Pavan N, Kara O,

Erdem S, Bertolo R, CAPITANIO U, Mir MC. Effect of smoking, hypertension and

lifestyle factors on kidney cancer - perspectives for prevention and screening

programmes. Nat Rev Urol. 2023 Jun 16. doi: 10.1038/s41585-023-00781-8. Epub

ahead of print. PMID: 37328546.


15: Kriegmair MC, Bertolo R, Karakiewicz PI, Leibovich BC, Ljungberg B, Mir MC,

Ouzaid I, Salagierski M, Staehler M, van Poppel H, Wood CC, CAPITANIO U; Young

Academic Urologists Kidney Cancer working group of the European Association of

Urology. Systematic Review of the Management of Local Kidney Cancer Relapse. Eur

Urol Oncol. 2018 Dec;1(6):512-523. doi: 10.1016/j.euo.2018.06.007. Epub 2018 Jul

13. PMID: 31158097.


16: Larcher A, Sun M, Dell'Oglio P, Trudeau V, Boehm K, Schiffmann J, Tian Z,

Fossati N, CAPITANIO U, Briganti A, Montorsi F, Karakiewicz P. Mortality,

morbidity and healthcare expenditures after local tumour ablation or partial

nephrectomy for T1A kidney cancer. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017 Apr;43(4):815-822.

doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2016.08.023. Epub 2016 Sep 17. PMID: 27692535.


17: Bedke J, Albiges L, CAPITANIO U, Giles RH, Hora M, Ljungberg B, Marconi L,

Klatte T, Volpe A, Abu-Ghanem Y, Dabestani S, Fernández-Pello S, Hofmann F,

Kuusk T, Tahbaz R, Powles T, Bex A. The 2022 Updated European Association of

Urology Guidelines on the Use of Adjuvant Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy

for Renal Cell Carcinoma. Eur Urol. 2023 Jan;83(1):10-14. doi:

10.1016/j.eururo.2022.10.010. Epub 2022 Oct 27. PMID: 36511268.


18: Marra G, Gontero P, Brattoli M, Filippini C, CAPITANIO U, Montorsi F,

Daneshmand S, Huang WC, Linares Espinós E, Martínez-Salamanca JI, McKiernan JM,

Zigeuner R, Libertino JA. Is imperative partial nephrectomy feasible for kidney

cancer with venous thrombus involvement? Outcomes of 42 cases and matched pair

analysis with a large radical nephrectomy cohort. Urol Oncol. 2018

Jul;36(7):339.e1-339.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2018.04.007. Epub 2018 May 24.

PMID: 29801993.


19: Nocera L, Collà Ruvolo C, Stolzenbach LF, Wenzel M, Tian Z, Larcher A,

CAPITANIO U, Mirone V, Tilki D, Chun FKH, Kapoor A, Shariat SF, Saad F, Montorsi

F, Briganti A, Karakiewicz PI. Tumor Stage and Substage Predict Cancer-specific

Mortality After Nephrectomy for Nonmetastatic Renal Cancer: Histological

Subtype-specific Validation. Eur Urol Focus. 2022 Jan;8(1):182-190. doi:

10.1016/j.euf.2021.02.009. Epub 2021 Feb 27. PMID: 33653677.


20: Veccia A, Antonelli A, Minervini A, Mottrie A, Dell'Oglio P, Ashrafi AN,

Larcher A, Eun D, Bradshaw A, Amparore D, Brassetti A, Hampton LJ, Simeone C,

Mari A, Carini M, De Naeyer G, Yang K, CAPITANIO U, Simone G, Porpiglia F,

Derweesh I, Aron M, Autorino R. Upstaging to pT3a disease in patients undergoing

robotic partial nephrectomy for cT1 kidney cancer: Outcomes and predictors from

a multi-institutional dataset. Urol Oncol. 2020 Apr;38(4):286-292. doi:

10.1016/j.urolonc.2019.12.024. Epub 2020 Jan 16. PMID: 31956077.


21: CAPITANIO U, Bedke J, Albiges L, Volpe A, Giles RH, Hora M, Marconi L,

Klatte T, Abu-Ghanem Y, Dabestani S, Fernández Pello S, Hofmann F, Kuusk T,

Campi R, Tahbaz R, Powles T, Ljungberg B, Bex A. Reply to Yaxiong Tang, Xu Hu,

Kan Wu, Yanxiang Shao, and Xiang Li's Letter to the Editor re: Umberto

Capitanio, Jens Bedke, Laurence Albiges, et al. A Renewal of the TNM Staging

System for Patients with Renal Cancer To Comply with Current Decision-making:

Proposal from the European Association of Urology Guidelines Panel. Eur Urol.

2022;83:3-5. Eur Urol. 2023 Mar;83(3):e74-e75. doi:

10.1016/j.eururo.2022.12.001. Epub 2022 Dec 14. PMID: 36526491.


22: Mir MC, CAPITANIO U, Bertolo R, Ouzaid I, Salagierski M, Kriegmair M, Volpe

A, Jewett MAS, Kutikov A, Pierorazio PM; Young Academic Urologists Kidney Cancer

working group of the European Urological Association. Role of Active

Surveillance for Localized Small Renal Masses. Eur Urol Oncol. 2018

Aug;1(3):177-187. doi: 10.1016/j.euo.2018.05.001. Epub 2018 May 26. PMID:



23: Bandini M, Smith A, Marchioni M, Pompe RS, Martel TF, Cindolo L, Montorsi F,

Shariat SF, Briganti A, Kapoor A, CAPITANIO U, Karakiewicz PI. Adjuvant

Therapies in Nonmetastatic Renal-Cell Carcinoma: A Review of the Literature.

Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2018 Jun;16(3):176-183. doi: 10.1016/j.clgc.2018.01.003.

Epub 2018 Feb 2. PMID: 29449091.


24: Larcher A, Rowe I, Belladelli F, Fallara G, Raggi D, Necchi A, Montorsi F,

CAPITANIO U, Salonia A; OSR VHL Program. Von Hippel-Lindau disease-associated

renal cell carcinoma: a call to action. Curr Opin Urol. 2022 Jan 1;32(1):31-39.

doi: 10.1097/MOU.0000000000000950. PMID: 34783716.


25: CAPITANIO U, Leibovich BC. The rationale and the role of lymph node

dissection in renal cell carcinoma. World J Urol. 2017 Apr;35(4):497-506. doi:

10.1007/s00345-016-1886-3. Epub 2016 Jun 30. PMID: 27364520.


26: Capogrosso P, CAPITANIO U, La Croce G, Nini A, Salonia A, Montorsi F,

Bertini R. Follow-up After Treatment for Renal Cell Carcinoma: The Evidence

Beyond the Guidelines. Eur Urol Focus. 2016 Feb;1(3):272-281. doi:

10.1016/j.euf.2015.04.001. Epub 2015 Jun 1. PMID: 28723399.


27: Cignoli D, Fallara G, Larcher A, Rosiello G, Montorsi F, CAPITANIO U. How to

improve outcome in nephron-sparing surgery: the impact of new techniques. Curr

Opin Urol. 2021 May 1;31(3):255-261. doi: 10.1097/MOU.0000000000000862. PMID:



28: Carbonara U, Simone G, CAPITANIO U, Minervini A, Fiori C, Larcher A,

Checcucci E, Amparore D, Crocerossa F, Veccia A, Weprin S, Ditonno P, Brassetti

A, Bove A, Mari A, Grosso AA, Carini M, Montorsi F, Hampton LJ, Gallucci M,

Porpiglia F, Autorino R. Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy: 7-year outcomes.

Minerva Urol Nephrol. 2021 Aug;73(4):540-543. doi:

10.23736/S2724-6051.20.04151-X. Epub 2020 Nov 17. PMID: 33200907.


29: Capasso A, Benigni A, CAPITANIO U, Danesh FR, Di Marzo V, Gesualdo L,

Grandaliano G, Jaimes EA, Malyszko J, Perazella MA, Qian Q, Ronco P, Rosner MH,

Trepiccione F, Viggiano D, Zoccali C, Capasso G; International Conference on

Onco-Nephrology Participants. Summary of the International Conference on Onco-

Nephrology: an emerging field in medicine. Kidney Int. 2019 Sep;96(3):555-567.

doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2019.04.043. Epub 2019 May 31. PMID: 31445584.


30: Mantione ME, Sana I, Vilia MG, Riba M, Doglioni C, Larcher A, CAPITANIO U,

Muzio M. SIGIRR Downregulation and Interleukin-1 Signaling Intrinsic to Renal

Cell Carcinoma. Front Oncol. 2022 Jun 22;12:894413. doi:

10.3389/fonc.2022.894413. PMID: 35814450; PMCID: PMC9256934.


31: CAPITANIO U, Volpe A. Renal Tumor Biopsy: More Dogma Belied. Eur Urol. 2015

Dec;68(6):1014-5. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2015.05.007. Epub 2015 May 21. PMID:



32: Borgmann H, Musquera M, Haferkamp A, Vilaseca A, Klatte T, Shariat SF,

Scavuzzo A, Jimenez Rios MA, Wolff I, CAPITANIO U, Dell'Oglio P, Krabbe LM,

Herrmann E, Ecke T, Vergho D, Huck N, Wagener N, Pahernik S, Zastrow S, Wirth M,

Surcel C, Mirvald C, Prochazkova K, Hutterer G, Zigeuner R, Cindolo L, Hora M,

Stief CG, May M, Brookman-May SD. Prognostic significance of Fuhrman grade and

age for cancer-specific and overall survival in patients with papillary renal

cell carcinoma: results of an international multi-institutional study on 2189

patients. World J Urol. 2017 Dec;35(12):1891-1897. doi:

10.1007/s00345-017-2078-5. Epub 2017 Aug 23. PMID: 28836063.


33: Marchioni M, Berardinelli F, Zhang C, Simone G, Uzzo RG, CAPITANIO U,

Minervini A, Lau C, Kaouk J, Langenstroer P, Amparore D, de Luyk N, Porter J,

Gallucci M, Kutikov A, Larcher A, Mari A, Kilday P, Rha KH, Quarto G, Perdonà S,

White W, Eun DD, Derweesh I, Mottrie A, Anele UA, Jacobsohn K, Porpiglia F,

Challacombe B, Sundaram CP, Autorino R, Yang B, Schips L. Effect of Obesity and

Overweight Status on Complications and Survival After Minimally Invasive Kidney

Surgery in Patients with Clinical T<sub>2-4</sub> Renal Masses. J Endourol. 2020

Mar;34(3):289-297. doi: 10.1089/end.2019.0604. PMID: 31950886.


34: Larcher A, Trudeau V, Sun M, Boehm K, Meskawi M, Tian Z, Fossati N,

Dell'Oglio P, CAPITANIO U, Briganti A, Shariat SF, Montorsi F, Karakiewicz PI.

Population-based assessment of cancer-specific mortality after local tumour

ablation or observation for kidney cancer: a competing risks analysis. BJU Int.

2016 Oct;118(4):541-6. doi: 10.1111/bju.13326. Epub 2015 Oct 16. PMID: 26384713.


35: Brassetti A, Anceschi U, Bertolo R, Ferriero M, Tuderti G, CAPITANIO U,

Larcher A, Garisto J, Antonelli A, Mottire A, Minervini A, Dell'oglio P, Veccia

A, Amparore D, Flammia RS, Mari A, Porpiglia F, Montorsi F, Kaouk J, Autorino R,

Carini M, Gallucci M, Simone G. Surgical quality, cancer control and functional

preservation: introducing a novel trifecta for robot-assisted partial

nephrectomy. Minerva Urol Nefrol. 2020 Feb;72(1):82-90. doi:

10.23736/S0393-2249.19.03570-7. Epub 2019 Dec 12. PMID: 31833720.


36: Marandino L, Raggi D, Necchi A, CAPITANIO U. Neoadjuvant Treatment in Renal

Cell Carcinoma: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities. Eur Urol. 2022

Jun;81(6):574-575. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2022.02.013. Epub 2022 Mar 2. PMID:



37: Ventimiglia E, Larcher A, Trevisani F, Muttin F, Cianflone F, Montorsi F,

Salonia A, Bertini R, CAPITANIO U. Postoperative complications increase the risk

of long-term chronic kidney disease after nephron-sparing surgery in patients

with renal cancer and normal preoperative renal function. BJU Int. 2019

Sep;124(3):457-461. doi: 10.1111/bju.14712. Epub 2019 Mar 20. PMID: 30768877.


38: Larcher A, Cei F, Belladelli F, Rosiello G, Andrea Bravi C, Fallara G,

Basile G, Lucianò R, Karakiewicz P, Mottrie A, Breda A, Briganti A, Salonia A,

Bertini R, Montorsi F, CAPITANIO U; Junior ERUS/Young Academic Urologists

Working Group on Robotic Surgery. The Learning Curve for Radical Nephrectomy for

Kidney Cancer: Implications for Surgical Training. Eur Urol Open Sci. 2023 Jan

19;49:11-14. doi: 10.1016/j.euros.2022.12.007. PMID: 36874599; PMCID:



39: Martini A, Larcher A, Bravi CA, Capogrosso P, Falagario UG, Fallara G,

Pellegrino F, Muttin F, Re C, Briganti A, Salonia A, Bertini R, Montorsi F,

CAPITANIO U; Young Academic Urologists working groups on robotic surgery and

kidney cancer of the European Association of Urology. How to Select the Optimal

Candidates for Renal Mass Biopsy. Eur Urol Oncol. 2021 Jun;4(3):506-509. doi:

10.1016/j.euo.2020.10.001. Epub 2020 Oct 21. PMID: 34074486.


40: Chandrasekar T, Boorjian SA, CAPITANIO U, Gershman B, Mir MC, Kutikov A.

Collaborative Review: Factors Influencing Treatment Decisions for Patients with

a Localized Solid Renal Mass. Eur Urol. 2021 Nov;80(5):575-588. doi:

10.1016/j.eururo.2021.01.021. Epub 2021 Feb 6. PMID: 33558091.


41: CAPITANIO U, Necchi A, Larcher A, De Cobelli F, Montorsi F. Adjuvant Therapy

in Nonmetastatic High-risk Kidney Cancer: Importance of the Timing of

Postnephrectomy Imaging and Treatment Delivery. Eur Urol Oncol. 2018

Dec;1(6):538-539. doi: 10.1016/j.euo.2018.06.003. Epub 2018 Jul 2. PMID:



42: Rosiello G, Pecoraro A, Deuker M, Stolzenbach LF, Martin T, Tian Z, Larcher

A, CAPITANIO U, Montorsi F, Shariat SF, Kapoor A, Saad F, Briganti A,

Karakiewicz PI. The impact of sex and age on distribution of metastases in

patients with renal cell carcinoma. Int J Clin Oncol. 2021 May;26(5):962-970.

doi: 10.1007/s10147-021-01874-3. Epub 2021 Jan 30. PMID: 33515351.


43: Rodriguez Faba O, Akdogan B, Marszalek M, Langenhuijsen JF, Brookman-May S,

Stewart GD, CAPITANIO U, Sanguedolce F; Renal Cancer Working Group of the Young

Academic Urologists (YAU) Working Party of the European Association of Urology

(EAU). Current Status of Focal Cryoablation for Small Renal Masses. Urology.

2016 Apr;90:9-15. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2015.11.041. Epub 2015 Dec 29. PMID:



44: Nini A, Muttin F, Cianflone F, Carenzi C, Luciano R, Catena M, Larcher A,

Salvioni M, Cazzaniga W, Pederzoli F, Matloob R, Colombo R, Paganelli M, Salonia

A, Briganti A, Doglioni C, Zangrillo A, DE Cobelli F, Rigatti P, Freschi M,

Cornero G, Nicoletti R, Aldrighetti L, Montorsi F, CAPITANIO U, Bertini R.

Perioperative and oncologic outcomes of open radical nephrectomy and inferior

vena cava thrombectomy with liver mobilization and Pringle maneuver for Mayo III

level tumor thrombus: single institution experience. Minerva Urol Nephrol. 2021

Dec;73(6):746-753. doi: 10.23736/S2724-6051.20.03844-8. Epub 2020 Nov 27. PMID:



45: Derweesh IH, Autorino R, Bensalah K, CAPITANIO U. Partial Nephrectomy for

Large or Complex Masses: Option or Obsolete? Eur Urol. 2017 Jul;72(1):76-77.

doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2017.01.032. Epub 2017 Feb 6. PMID: 28185688.


46: Basile G, Rosiello G, Larcher A, Fallara G, Martini A, Re C, Cignoli D, Tian

Z, Karakiewicz PI, Mottrie A, Bertini R, Necchi A, Raggi D, Salonia A, Briganti

A, Montorsi F, CAPITANIO U. Clinical, pathological and long-term oncologic

outcomes of papillary type I vs. type II renal cell carcinoma. Urol Oncol. 2022

Aug;40(8):384.e15-384.e21. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2022.05.012. Epub 2022 May 31.

PMID: 35662498.


47: Sharma G, Shah M, Ahluwalia P, Dasgupta P, Challacombe BJ, Bhandari M,

Ahlawat R, Rawal S, Buffi NM, Sivaraman A, Porter JR, Rogers C, Mottrie A, Abaza

R, Rha KH, Moon D, Yuvaraja TB, Parekh DJ, CAPITANIO U, Maes KK, Porpiglia F,

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48: Moschini M, Dell'Oglio P, Larcher A, CAPITANIO U. Lymph node dissection for

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49: Neves JB, Vanaclocha Saiz L, Abu-Ghanem Y, Marchetti M, Tran-Dang MA, El-

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50: CAPITANIO U, Bedke J, Albiges L, Volpe A, Giles RH, Hora M, Marconi L,

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51: Salagierski M, Wojciechowska A, Zając K, Klatte T, Thompson RH, Cadeddu JA,

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52: Khene ZE, Mazouin C, Larcher A, Peyronnet B, Gasmi A, Roumiguié M, Verhoest

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53: Larcher A, Trudeau V, Dell'Oglio P, Tian Z, Boehm K, Fossati N, CAPITANIO U,

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Decision-making Between Surgery or Observation in Elderly Patients With T1

Kidney Cancer. Urology. 2017 Apr;102:130-137. doi:

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54: CAPITANIO U, Montorsi F, Larcher A. Surgical Safety of Cytoreductive

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55: Neves JB, Varley R, Agnesi S, Withington J, Rodrigues FB, Warren H, Yuminaga

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function dynamics of renal oncocytomas in patients on active surveillance. BJU

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56: Campi R, Amparore D, CAPITANIO U, Checcucci E, Salonia A, Fiori C, Minervini

A, Briganti A, Carini M, Montorsi F, Serni S, Porpiglia F. Assessing the Burden

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57: Nini A, CAPITANIO U, Larcher A, Dell'Oglio P, Dehò F, Suardi N, Muttin F,

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58: Bravi CA, Rosiello G, Mazzone E, Minervini A, Mari A, Di Maida F, Bensalah

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Antonelli A, Furlan M, Rha KH, Almujalhem A, Derweesh I, Bradshaw A, Kaouk J,

Sawczyn G, Bertolo R, Breda A, Montorsi F, CAPITANIO U, Larcher A; Junior

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59: CAPITANIO U, Montorsi F. Identifying patients for adjuvant therapy after

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60: Rosiello G, Palumbo C, Deuker M, Stolzenbach LF, Martin T, Tian Z, Larcher

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assisted surgery. Surg Oncol. 2021 Sep;38:101588. doi:

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61: Antonelli A, Minervini A, CAPITANIO U. Reply to Steven C. Campbell,

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62: Fallara G, Larcher A, Dabestani S, Fossati N, Järvinen P, Nisen H,

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63: Fallara G, Bandini M, Larcher A, Pederzoli F, Karakiewicz P, Tian Z,

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65: Trevisani F, Larcher A, Cinque A, CAPITANIO U, Ripa F, Vago R, Bettiga A,

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66: Nini A, Larcher A, Cazzaniga W, Dell'Oglio P, Cianflone F, Muttin F, Ripa F,

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67: Antonelli A, Minervini A, Sandri M, Bertini R, Bertolo R, Carini M, Furlan

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68: Carbonara U, Eun D, Derweesh I, CAPITANIO U, Celia A, Fiori C, Checcucci E,

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69: Hamilton ZA, CAPITANIO U, Lane BR, Larcher A, Yim K, Dey S, Cotta BH,

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70: Crocerossa F, Fiori C, CAPITANIO U, Minervini A, Carbonara U, Pandolfo SD,

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71: Khene ZE, Larcher A, Bernhard JC, Doumerc N, Ouzaid I, CAPITANIO U, Nouhaud

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72: Antonelli A, Minervini A, CAPITANIO U. Editorial Comment. J Urol. 2019

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73: Martini A, Fallara G, Pellegrino AA, Nocera L, Larcher A, Raggi D, Campi R,

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74: Veccia A, Falagario U, Martini A, Marchioni M, Antonelli A, Simeone C,

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75: Tafuri A, Sandri M, Martini A, CAPITANIO U, Mantica G, Terrone C, Furlan M,

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76: Sorce G, Hoeh B, Hohenhorst L, Panunzio A, Tappero S, Tian Z, Larcher A,

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77: Larcher A, Fallara G, Rosiello G, Re C, Baiamonte G, Agnesi S, Cignoli D,

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78: Rosiello G, Piazza P, Puliatti S, Mazzone E, Amato M, Tames V, Farinha R, De

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79: Carbonara U, Simone G, Minervini A, Sundaram CP, Larcher A, Lee J, Checcucci

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80: Cignoli D, Basile G, Fallara G, Rosiello G, Belladelli F, Cei F, Musso G, Re

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81: Cianflone F, Lazarevic D, Palmisano A, Fallara G, Larcher A, Freschi M,

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82: Minervini A, Campi R, Lane BR, De Cobelli O, Sanguedolce F,

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83: Benamran D, Albiges L, Bex A, Giannarini G, CAPITANIO U, Rouprêt M; EAU

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84: DI Trapani E, Dell'oglio P, Larcher A, Nini A, Muttin F, Cianflone F, Dehò

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85: De Cobelli F, Papa M, Panzeri M, Colombo M, Steidler S, Ambrosi A, Cao R,

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86: Tan JS, Sathianathen N, Cumberbatch M, Dasgupta P, Mottrie A, Abaza R, Ho

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87: Roussel E, Tasso G, Campi R, Kriegmair MC, Kara Ö, Klatte T, CAPITANIO U,

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88: Abdel Raheem A, Alowidah I, CAPITANIO U, Montorsi F, Larcher A, Derweesh I,

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89: CAPITANIO U, Larcher A, Fallara G, Trevisani F, Porrini E, Di Marco F,

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R, Salonia A, Montorsi F. Parenchymal biopsy in the management of patients with

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90: Teoh JY, Ng CF, Eto M, Chiruvella M, CAPITANIO U, Esen T, Zeng G,

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91: Seisen T, Nison L, Remzi M, Klatte T, Mathieu R, Lucca I, Bozzini G,

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92: Trevisani F, Di Marco F, Raggi D, Bettiga A, Vago R, Larcher A, Cinque A,

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93: CAPITANIO U, Rosiello G, Necchi A, Montorsi F, Larcher A. Predicting the

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94: CAPITANIO U, Pepe G, Incerti E, Larcher A, Trevisani F, Lucianò R, Mapelli

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95: Rosiello G, Knipper S, Palumbo C, Dzyuba-Negrean C, Pecoraro A, Mazzone E,

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96: Sorce G, Hoeh B, Hohenhorst L, Panunzio A, Tappero S, Tian Z, Kokorovic A,

Larcher A, CAPITANIO U, Tilki D, Terrone C, Chun FKH, Antonelli A, Saad F,

Shariat SF, Montorsi F, Briganti A, Karakiewicz PI. Cancer-specific Mortality in

T1a Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Local Tumor Destruction Versus Partial

Nephrectomy. Eur Urol Focus. 2023 Jan;9(1):125-132. doi:

10.1016/j.euf.2022.07.005. Epub 2022 Jul 30. PMID: 35918270.


97: Larcher A, De Naeyer G, Turri F, Dell'Oglio P, CAPITANIO U, Collins JW,

Wiklund P, Van Der Poel H, Montorsi F, Mottrie A; ERUS Educational Working Group

and the Young Academic Urologist Working Group on Robot-assisted Surgery. The

ERUS Curriculum for Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy: Structure Definition and

Pilot Clinical Validation. Eur Urol. 2019 Jun;75(6):1023-1031. doi:

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98: Mari A, Tellini R, Porpiglia F, Antonelli A, Schiavina R, Amparore D,

Bertini R, Brunocilla E, CAPITANIO U, Checcucci E, Da Pozzo L, Di Maida F, Fiori

C, Francavilla S, Furlan M, Gontero P, Longo N, Roscigno M, Simeone C,

Siracusano S, Ficarra V, Carini M, Minervini A. Perioperative and Mid-term

Oncological and Functional Outcomes After Partial Nephrectomy for Complex (PADUA

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RECORD2 Project). Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Nov;7(6):1371-1379. doi:

10.1016/j.euf.2020.07.004. Epub 2020 Aug 15. PMID: 32811779.


99: Capogrosso P, Larcher A, Sjoberg DD, Vertosick EA, Cianflone F, Dell'Oglio

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100: Veccia A, Autorino R, Mir MC, Derweesh I, CAPITANIO U, Porpiglia F,

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101: Ouzaid I, CAPITANIO U, Staehler M, Wood CG, Leibovich BC, Ljungberg B, Van

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102: CAPITANIO U, Stewart GD, Klatte T, Akdogan B, Roscigno M, Marszalek M,

Dell'Oglio P, Zaffuto E, Rodriguez Faba O, Salagierski M, Lingard J, Carini M,

Ouzaid I, Mir MC, Montorsi F, Da Pozzo LF, Stief C, Minervini A, Brookman-May

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Carcinoma Who Underwent Partial Nephrectomy? Eur Urol Focus. 2018

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103: Larcher A, Muttin F, Fossati N, Dell'Oglio P, Di Trapani E, Stabile A, Ripa

F, Trevisani F, Carenzi C, Picchio M, Briganti A, Salonia A, Mottrie A, Bertini

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104: Hora M, Albiges L, Bedke J, Campi R, CAPITANIO U, Giles RH, Ljungberg B,

Marconi L, Klatte T, Volpe A, Abu-Ghanem Y, Dabestani S, Fernández-Pello S,

Hofmann F, Kuusk T, Tahbaz R, Powles T, Bex A, Trpkov K. European Association of

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View. Eur Urol. 2023 Feb;83(2):97-100. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2022.11.001. Epub

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105: Erdem S, CAPITANIO U, Campi R, Mir MC, Roussel E, Pavan N, Kara O, Klatte

T, Kriegmair MC, Degirmenci E, Aydin R, Minervini A, Serni S, Berni A, Rebez G,

Ozcan F; European Association of Urology (EAU)-Young Academic Urologists (YAU)

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106: Abu-Ghanem Y, Powles T, CAPITANIO U, Beisland C, Järvinen P, Stewart GD,

Gudmundsson E, Lam TBL, Marconi L, Fernandéz-Pello S, Nisen H, Meijer RP, Volpe

A, Ljungberg B, Klatte T, Bensalah K, Dabestani S, Bex A. Should patients with

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107: Larcher A, Muttin F, Peyronnet B, De Naeyer G, Khene ZE, Dell'Oglio P,

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Mottrie A. The Learning Curve for Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy: Impact of

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108: Dell'Oglio P, Larcher A, Muttin F, Di Trapani E, Trevisani F, Ripa F,

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dissection should not be dismissed in case of localized renal cell carcinoma in

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109: Muttin F, Pecoraro A, Larcher A, Dell'Oglio P, Nini A, Cianflone F,

Trevisani F, Dehò F, Briganti A, Salonia A, Montorsi F, Bertini R, CAPITANIO U.

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carcinoma. World J Urol. 2019 Apr;37(4):701-708. doi: 10.1007/s00345-018-2412-6.

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110: Rosiello G, Larcher A, Fallara G, Giancristofaro C, Martini A, Re C, Cei F,

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111: Sorce G, Hoeh B, Hohenhorst L, Panunzio A, Tappero S, Nimer N, Tian Z,

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112: Kuusk T, Klatte T, Zondervan P, Lagerveld B, Graafland N, Hendricksen K,

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113: Sharma G, Shah M, Ahluwalia P, Dasgupta P, Challacombe BJ, Bhandari M,

Ahlawat R, Rawal S, Buffi NM, Sivaraman A, Porter JR, Rogers C, Mottrie A, Abaza

R, Rha KH, Moon D, Yuvaraja TB, Parekh DJ, CAPITANIO U, Maes KK, Porpiglia F,

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114: Nocera L, Stolzenbach LF, Ruvolo CC, Wenzel M, Tian Z, Rosiello G, Bravi

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115: Cignoli D, Fallara G, Aleotti F, Larcher A, Rosiello G, Rowe I, Basile G,

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116: Sorce G, Hoeh B, Hohenhorst L, Panunzio A, Tappero S, Tian Z, Kokorovic A,

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117: Larcher A, Dell'Oglio P, Fossati N, Nini A, Muttin F, Suardi N, De Cobelli

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118: Nini A, Larcher A, Cianflone F, Trevisani F, Terrone C, Volpe A, Regis F,

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Anatomical Location of Lymph Node Metastases on Cancer Specific Survival in

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119: Bedke J, Albiges L, CAPITANIO U, Giles RH, Hora M, Lam TB, Ljungberg B,

Marconi L, Klatte T, Volpe A, Abu-Ghanem Y, Dabestani S, Fernández-Pello S,

Hofmann F, Kuusk T, Tahbaz R, Powles T, Bex A. Updated European Association of

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120: Carbonara U, Simone G, Minervini A, Sundaram CP, Larcher A, Lee J,

Checcucci E, Fiori C, Patel D, Meagher M, Crocerossa F, Veccia A, Hampton LJ,

Ditonno P, Battaglia M, Brassetti A, Bove A, Mari A, Campi R, Carini M, Sulek J,

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121: Simone G, CAPITANIO U, Tuderti G, Presicce F, Leonardo C, Ferriero M,

Misuraca L, Costantini M, Larcher A, Minisola F, Guaglianone S, Anceschi U,

Muttin F, Nini A, Trevisani F, Montorsi F, Bertini R, Gallucci M. On-clamp

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122: Larcher A, Wallis CJD, Pavan N, Porpiglia F, Takagi T, Tanabe K, Rha KH,

Raheem AA, Yang B, Zang C, Perdonà S, Quarto G, Maurer T, Amiel T, Schips L,

Castellucci R, Crivellaro S, Dobbs R, Baiamonte G, Celia A, De Concilio B,

Furlan M, Lima E, Linares E, Micali S, Amparore D, De Naeyer G, Trombetta C,

Hampton LJ, Tracey A, Bindayi A, Antonelli A, Derweesh I, Mir C, Montorsi F,

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nephrectomy among very elderly patients: report from the RESURGE collaborative

international database. Cent European J Urol. 2020;73(3):273-279. doi:

10.5173/ceju.2020.0179. Epub 2020 Sep 8. PMID: 33133653; PMCID: PMC7587491.


123: Bandini M, Smith A, Zaffuto E, Pompe RS, Marchioni M, CAPITANIO U, Chun FK,

Kapoor AB, Shariat SF, Montorsi F, Briganti A, Karakiewicz PI. Effect of

pathological high-risk features on cancer-specific mortality in non-metastatic

clear cell renal cell carcinoma: a tool for optimizing patient selection for

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10.1007/s00345-017-2093-6. Epub 2017 Oct 11. PMID: 29022072.


124: Martini A, Turri F, Barod R, Rocco B, CAPITANIO U, Briganti A, Montorsi F,

Mottrie A, Challacombe B, Lagerveld BW, Bensalah K, Abaza R, Badani KK, Mehrazin

R, Buscarini M, Larcher A; Junior ERUS/YAU Working Group on Robot-assisted

Surgery of the European Association of Urology. Salvage Robot-assisted Renal

Surgery for Local Recurrence After Surgical Resection or Renal Mass Ablation:

Classification, Techniques, and Clinical Outcomes. Eur Urol. 2021

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125: Abu-Ghanem Y, Powles T, CAPITANIO U, Beisland C, Järvinen P, Stewart GD,

Gudmundsson EO, Lam TB, Marconi L, Fernandéz-Pello S, Nisen H, Meijer RP, Volpe

A, Ljungberg B, Klatte T, Dabestani S, Bex A. The Impact of Histological Subtype

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Carcinoma After Surgery-Results from RECUR Consortium. Eur Urol Oncol. 2021

Jun;4(3):473-482. doi: 10.1016/j.euo.2020.09.005. Epub 2020 Oct 24. PMID:



126: Anceschi U, Brassetti A, Tuderti G, Consiglia Ferriero M, Minervini A, Mari

A, Grosso AA, Carini M, CAPITANIO U, Larcher A, Montorsi F, Autorino R, Veccia

A, Fiori C, Amparore D, Porpiglia F, Eun D, Lee J, Gallucci M, Simone G. Risk

factors for progression of chronic kidney disease after robotic partial

nephrectomy in elderly patients: results from a multi-institutional

collaborative series. Minerva Urol Nephrol. 2022 Aug;74(4):452-460. doi:

10.23736/S2724-6051.21.04469-4. Epub 2021 Jun 22. PMID: 34156202.


127: Dell'Oglio P, De Naeyer G, Xiangjun L, Hamilton Z, CAPITANIO U, Ripa F,

Cianflone F, Muttin F, Schatteman P, D'Hondt F, Ma X, Bindayi A, Zhang X,

Derweesh I, Mottrie A, Montorsi F, Larcher A; ERUS Educational Working Group and

the YAU working group on robot-assisted surgery. The Impact of Surgical Strategy

in Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy: Is It Beneficial to Treat Anterior

Tumours with Transperitoneal Access and Posterior Tumours with Retroperitoneal

Access? Eur Urol Oncol. 2021 Feb;4(1):112-116. doi: 10.1016/j.euo.2018.12.010.

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128: Anele UA, Marchioni M, Yang B, Simone G, Uzzo RG, Lau C, Mir MC, Capitanio

U, Porter J, Jacobsohn K, de Luyk N, Mari A, Chang K, Fiori C, Sulek J, Mottrie

A, White W, Perdona S, Quarto G, Bindayi A, Ashrafi A, Schips L, Berardinelli F,

Zhang C, Gallucci M, Ramirez-Backhaus M, Larcher A, Kilday P, Liao M,

Langenstroer P, Dasgupta P, Challacombe B, Kutikov A, Minervini A, Rha KH,

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129: Gontero P, Mari A, Marra G, Nazzani S, Allasia M, Antonelli A, Barale M,

Brunocilla E, CAPITANIO U, Di Maida F, Gallioli A, Longo N, Montorsi F,

Porpiglia F, Porreca A, Rocco B, Simeone C, Schiavina R, Tellini R, Terrone C,

Villari D, Ficarra V, Carini M, Minervini A. Is partial nephrectomy safe and

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2021 Jan;39(1):78.e17-78.e26. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2020.09.022. Epub 2020 Oct

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130: Rosiello G, Pecoraro A, Luzzago S, Deuker M, Stolzenbach LF, Tian Z,

Larcher A, CAPITANIO U, Montorsi F, Shariat SF, Kapoor A, Saad F, Briganti A,

Karakiewicz PI. Prognostic factors in patients with small renal masses: a

comparison between <2 vs. 2.1-4 cm renal cell carcinomas. Cancer Causes Control.

2021 Feb;32(2):119-126. doi: 10.1007/s10552-020-01364-3. Epub 2020 Nov 9. PMID:



131: Campi R, Berni A, Amparore D, Bertolo R, CAPITANIO U, Carbonara U, Erdem S,

Ingels A, Kara O, Klatte T, Kriegmair M, Marchioni M, Minervini A, Mir MC,

Papalia R, Pavan N, Pecoraro A, Gomez Rivas J, Rivasi G, Roussel E, Ungar A,

Serni S, Esperto F; European Society of Residents in Urology (ESRU), EAU Young

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and oncologic outcomes in patients undergoing surgery or ablation for renal

cancer: a systematic review. Minerva Urol Nephrol. 2022 Apr;74(2):146-160. doi:

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132: CAPITANIO U, Larcher A, Terrone C, Antonelli A, Volpe A, Fiori C, Furlan M,

Dehò F, Minervini A, Serni S, Porpiglia F, Trevisani F, Salonia A, Carini M,

Simeone C, Montorsi F, Bertini R. End-Stage Renal Disease After Renal Surgery in

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and Individual Disorders at Baseline. Eur Urol. 2016 Oct;70(4):558-561. doi:

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133: Bravi CA, Larcher A, CAPITANIO U, Mari A, Antonelli A, Artibani W, Barale

M, Bertini R, Bove P, Brunocilla E, Da Pozzo L, Di Maida F, Fiori C, Gontero P,

Li Marzi V, Longo N, Mirone V, Montanari E, Porpiglia F, Schiavina R, Schips L,

Simeone C, Siracusano S, Terrone C, Trombetta C, Volpe A, Montorsi F, Ficarra V,

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Project). Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Mar;7(2):390-396. doi: 10.1016/j.euf.2019.10.013.

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134: CAPITANIO U, Larcher A, Montorsi F. Cytoreductive nephrectomy is dead, long

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135: Bertolo R, Campi R, Klatte T, Kriegmair MC, Mir MC, Ouzaid I, Salagierski

M, Bhayani S, Gill I, Kaouk J, CAPITANIO U; Young Academic Urologists (YAU)

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systematic review and quantitative synthesis of peri-operative outcomes. BJU

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136: Bhandari M, Nallabasannagari AR, Reddiboina M, Porter JR, Jeong W, Mottrie

A, Dasgupta P, Challacombe B, Abaza R, Rha KH, Parekh DJ, Ahlawat R, Capitanio

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Gautam G, Turkeri L, Meyyazhgan KR, Patil P, Menon M, Rogers C. Predicting

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137: Rodriguez Faba O, Linares E, Tilki D, CAPITANIO U, Evans CP, Montorsi F,

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138: Arora S, Heulitt G, Menon M, Jeong W, Ahlawat RK, CAPITANIO U, Moon DA,

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139: Campi R, Tellini R, Sessa F, Mari A, Cocci A, Greco F, Crestani A, Gomez

Rivas J, Fiori C, Lapini A, Gallucci M, CAPITANIO U, Roupret M, Abaza R, Carini

M, Serni S, Ficarra V, Porpiglia F, Esperto F, Minervini A; European Society of

Residents in Urology (ESRU). Techniques and outcomes of minimally-invasive

surgery for nonmetastatic renal cell carcinoma with inferior vena cava

thrombosis: a systematic review of the literature. Minerva Urol Nefrol. 2019

Aug;71(4):339-358. doi: 10.23736/S0393-2249.19.03396-4. Epub 2019 Apr 5. PMID:



140: Patel SH, Uzzo RG, Larcher A, Peyronnet B, Lane BR, Pruthi D, Reddy M,

CAPITANIO U, Joshi S, Noyes S, Eldefrawy A, Ghali F, Meagher MF, Hamilton ZA,

Yim K, Nasseri R, Bradshaw AW, Dey S, Kirmiz S, Wan F, Liss MA, Bensalah K,

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141: Rosiello G, Palumbo C, Knipper S, Pecoraro A, Luzzago S, St-Hilaire PA,

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142: Rieken M, Boorjian SA, Kluth LA, CAPITANIO U, Briganti A, Thompson RH,

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143: Campi R, Di Maida F, Lane BR, De Cobelli O, Sanguedolce F,

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Keeley FX, Langenhuijsen J, Musi G, Klatte T, Roscigno M, Akdogan B, Furlan M,

Karakoyunlu N, Marszalek M, CAPITANIO U, Volpe A, Brookman-May S, Gschwend JE,

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144: Rosiello G, Palumbo C, Knipper S, Pecoraro A, Luzzago S, Tian Z, Larcher A,

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145: Marconi L, Kuusk T, CAPITANIO U, Beisland C, Lam T, Pello SF, Stewart GD,

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147: Nientiedt M, Bertolo R, Campi R, CAPITANIO U, Erdem S, Kara Ö, Klatte T,

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148: Wagener N, Edelmann D, Benner A, Zigeuner R, Borgmann H, Wolff I, Krabbe

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149: Rosiello G, Larcher A, Fallara G, Basile G, Cignoli D, Colandrea G, Re C,

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150: Campi R, Sessa F, Corti F, Carrion DM, Mari A, Amparore D, Mir MC, Fiori C,

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152: Arora S, Chun B, Ahlawat RK, Abaza R, Adshead J, Porter JR, Challacombe B,

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153: Pecoraro A, Roussel E, Amparore D, Mari A, Grosso AA, Checcucci E, Montorsi

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154: Bradshaw AW, Autorino R, Simone G, Yang B, Uzzo RG, Porpiglia F, Capitanio

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156: Bedke J, Albiges L, CAPITANIO U, Giles RH, Hora M, Lam TB, Ljungberg B,

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157: Hamilton ZA, CAPITANIO U, Pruthi D, Ghali F, Larcher A, Patel DN, Eldefrawy

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158: Veccia A, Dell'oglio P, Antonelli A, Minervini A, Simone G, Challacombe B,

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159: Antonelli A, Veccia A, Pavan N, Mir C, Breda A, Takagi T, Rha KH, Maurer T,

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160: Necchi A, Martini A, Raggi D, Cucchiara V, Colecchia M, Lucianò R, Villa L,

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162: Gershman B, Thompson RH, Boorjian SA, Larcher A, CAPITANIO U, Montorsi F,

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163: Klingler MJ, Babitz SK, Kutikov A, Campi R, Hatzichristodoulou G,

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164: Drusian L, Nigro EA, Mannella V, Pagliarini R, Pema M, Costa ASH, Benigni

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165: Larcher A, CAPITANIO U, De Naeyer G, Fossati N, D'Hondt F, Muttin F, De

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167: Ouzaid I, Capogrosso P, Bertolo R, Bouvier A, Xylinas E, CAPITANIO U, Bigot

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168: Larcher A, CAPITANIO U, Terrone C, Volpe A, De Angelis P, Dehó F, Fossati

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169: Fichera D, Luciano R, Nini A, Freschi M, Doglioni C, Bertini R, Montorsi F,

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170: Sharma G, Shah M, Ahluwalia P, Dasgupta P, Challacombe BJ, Bhandari M,

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171: Mari A, Tellini R, Antonelli A, Porpiglia F, Schiavina R, Amparore D,

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172: Anceschi U, Ferriero MC, Tuderti G, Brassetti A, Bertolo R, CAPITANIO U,

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173: Antonelli A, Mari A, Tafuri A, Tellini R, CAPITANIO U, Gontero P, Grosso

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174: Marchioni M, Bandini M, Pompe RS, Martel T, Tian Z, Shariat SF, Kapoor A,

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175: May M, Surcel C, CAPITANIO U, Dell'Oglio P, Klatte T, Shariat S, Ecke T,

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176: Schiavina R, Mari A, Bianchi L, Amparore D, Antonelli A, Artibani W,

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Oncol. 2020 Jul;46(7):1353-1359. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2020.01.022. Epub 2020 Jan

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177: Hamilton ZA, Uzzo RG, Larcher A, Lane BR, Ristau B, CAPITANIO U, Ryan S,

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178: Fallara G, Larcher A, Rosiello G, Raggi D, Marandino L, Martini A, Basile

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179: Costantini M, Amoreo CA, Torregrossa L, Alì G, Munari E, Jeronimo C,

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180: Kuusk T, Zondervan P, Lagerveld B, Rosenzweig B, Raman A, Blok JM, de

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181: Marchioni M, Cheaib JG, Takagi T, Pavan N, Antonelli A, Everaerts W, Heck

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183: Meagher MF, Lane BR, CAPITANIO U, Mehrazin R, Bradshaw AW, Noyes S, Larcher

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184: Porpiglia F, Mari A, Amparore D, Fiori C, Antonelli A, Artibani W, Bove P,

Brunocilla E, CAPITANIO U, Da Pozzo L, Di Maida F, Gontero P, Longo N, Marra G,

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185: Tilki D, Chandrasekar T, CAPITANIO U, Ciancio G, Daneshmand S, Gontero P,

Gonzalez J, Haferkamp A, Hohenfellner M, Huang WC, Linares Espinós E, Lorentz A,

Martinez-Salamanca JI, Master VA, McKiernan JM, Montorsi F, Novara G, Pahernik

S, Palou J, Pruthi RS, Rodriguez-Faba O, Russo P, Scherr DS, Shariat SF, Spahn

M, Terrone C, Vera-Donoso C, Zigeuner R, Libertino JA, Evans CP. Impact of lymph

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186: Rieken M, Kluth LA, Fajkovic H, CAPITANIO U, Briganti A, Krabbe LM,

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187: Abdel Raheem A, Landi I, Alowidah I, CAPITANIO U, Montorsi F, Larcher A,

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M, Minervini A, Raman JD, Rjepaj CJ, Kriegmair MC, Autorino R, Veccia A, Mir MC,

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188: Arora S, Bronkema C, Porter JR, Mottrie A, Dasgupta P, Challacombe B, Rha

KH, Ahlawat RK, CAPITANIO U, Yuvaraja TB, Rawal S, Moon DA, Sivaraman A, Maes

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189: Arora S, Abaza R, Adshead JM, Ahlawat RK, Challacombe BJ, Dasgupta P,

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190: Rosiello G, Larcher A, Fallara G, Cignoli D, Re C, Martini A, Tian Z,

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Necchi A, Bertini R, Salonia A, Briganti A, Montorsi F, CAPITANIO U. A

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191: CAPITANIO U, Stewart GD, Larcher A, Ouzaid I, Akdogan B, Roscigno M,

Marszalek M, Dell'Oglio P, Salagierski M, Volpe A, Mir MC, Kriegmair M, Terrone

C, Brookman-May SD, Montorsi F, Klatte T; Kidney Cancer Working Group of the

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192: Mir MC, Pavan N, CAPITANIO U, Antonelli A, Derweesh I, Rodriguez-Faba O,

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Celia A, De Concilio B, Trombetta C, Silvestri T, Larcher A, Montorsi F, Palumbo

C, Furlan M, Bindayi A, Hamilton Z, Breda A, Palou J, Aguilera A, Tanabe K,

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193: Cerrato C, Meagher MF, Autorino R, Simone G, Yang B, Uzzo RG, Kutikov A,

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194: Wolff I, Scavuzzo A, CAPITANIO U, Klatte T, Shariat SF, Wagener N, Zastrow

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195: Brassetti A, Anceschi U, Bertolo R, Ferriero M, Tuderti G, Costantini M,

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196: Mari A, Campi R, Schiavina R, Amparore D, Antonelli A, Artibani W, Barale

M, Bertini R, Borghesi M, Bove P, Brunocilla E, CAPITANIO U, Da Pozzo L, Daja J,

Gontero P, Larcher A, Li Marzi V, Longo N, Mirone V, Montanari E, Pisano F,

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197: Rosiello G, Scilipoti P, Larcher A, Fallara G, Colandrea G, Basile G, Re C,

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198: Pandolfo SD, Loizzo D, Beksac AT, Derweesh I, Celia A, Bianchi L, Elbich J,

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199: Flammia RS, Anceschi U, Tufano A, Tuderti G, Ferriero MC, Brassetti A, Mari

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200: Nandanan N, Veccia A, Antonelli A, Derweesh I, Mottrie A, Minervini A, Aron

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201: Rosiello G, Larcher A, Montorsi F, CAPITANIO U. Reply to Sebastiano Buti

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202: CAPITANIO U, Terrone C, Antonelli A, Minervini A, Volpe A, Furlan M,

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203: Ljungberg B, Bedke J, CAPITANIO U, Bex A. Reply to Yongbao Wei, Ruochen

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204: Cerrato C, Patel D, Autorino R, Simone G, Yang B, Uzzo R, Porpiglia F,

CAPITANIO U, Porter J, Beksac AT, Minervini A, Antonelli A, Cerruto MA, Lau C,

Ashrafi A, Eun D, Mottrie A, Mir C, Meagher MF, Puri D, Nguyen M, Dhanji S, Liu

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205: CAPITANIO U, Larcher A, Montorsi F. Re: Toni K. Choueiri, Piotr Tomczak, Se

Hoon Park, et al. Adjuvant Pembrolizumab after Nephrectomy in Renal-Cell

Carcinoma. N Engl J Med 2021;385:683-94: Adjuvant Pembrolizumab After

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206: Buti S, Karakiewicz PI, Bersanelli M, CAPITANIO U, Tian Z, Cortellini A,

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207: Bhindi B, Wallis CJD, Boorjian SA, Thompson RH, Farrell A, Kim SP, Karam

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dissection in the management of renal cell carcinoma: a systematic review and

meta-analysis. BJU Int. 2018 May;121(5):684-698. doi: 10.1111/bju.14127. Epub

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208: CAPITANIO U, Deho' F, Dell'Oglio P, Larcher A, Capogrosso P, Nini A,

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209: Montorsi F, CAPITANIO U, Rosiello G, Larcher A. Re: Sarah P. Psutka, Roman

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Personalized Treatment Selection for Patients with Clinical T1 Renal Masses:

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210: CAPITANIO U, Larcher A, Dell'Oglio P, Montorsi F, Bertini R. Reply from

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211: Capogrosso P, Larcher A, Nini A, Muttin F, Cianflone F, Ripa F, Briganti A,

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lymph node dissection in selecting high-risk nonmetastatic renal cancer

candidates for adjuvant therapy after nephrectomy. Urol Oncol. 2019

Apr;37(4):293.e25-293.e30. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2019.01.009. Epub 2019 Jan 28.

PMID: 30704958.


212: Campi R, Grosso AA, Lane BR, DE Cobelli O, Sanguedolce F,

Hatzichristodoulou G, Antonelli A, Noyes S, DI Maida F, Mari A, Rodriguez-Faba

O, Keeley FX, Langenhuijsen J, Musi G, Klatte T, Roscigno M, Akdogan B, Furlan

M, Karakoyunlu N, Marszalek M, CAPITANIO U, Volpe A, Brookman-May S, Gschwend

JE, Smaldone MC, Uzzo RG, Kutikov A, Minervini A; SIB International Consortium.

Impact of Trifecta definition on rates and predictors of "successful" robotic

partial nephrectomy for localized renal masses: results from the Surface-

Intermediate-Base Margin Score International Consortium. Minerva Urol Nephrol.

2022 Apr;74(2):186-193. doi: 10.23736/S2724-6051.21.04601-2. PMID: 35345387.


213: CAPITANIO U, Freschi M, Rosiello G, Fallara G, Musso G, Cei F, Basile G,

Rowe I, Canibus D, Lucianò R, Doglioni C, Re C, Salonia A, Larcher A, Montorsi

F. Case of the Month from San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy: paraneoplastic

presentation of small renal masses. BJU Int. 2023 Apr;131(4):434-436. doi:

10.1111/bju.15872. Epub 2022 Dec 5. PMID: 36468262.


214: Mager R, Daneshmand S, Evans CP, Palou J, Martínez-Salamanca JI, Master VA,

McKiernan JM, Libertino JA, Haferkamp A; International Renal Cell Carcinoma-

Venous Thrombus Consortium; Haferkamp A, CAPITANIO U, Carballido JA, Chantada V,

Chromecki T, Ciancio G, Daneshmand S, Evans CP, Gontero P, González J,

Hohenfellner M, Huang WC, Koppie TM, Libertino JA, Espinós EL, Lorentz A,

Martínez-Salamanca JI, Master VA, McKiernan JM, Montorsi F, Novara G, O'Malley

P, Pahernik S, Palou J, Moreno JL, Pruthi RS, Faba OR, Russo P, Scherr DS,

Shariat SF, Spahn M, Terrone C, Tilki D, Vázquez-Martul D, Donoso CV, Vergho D,

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Prognostic effect of tumor thrombus consistency on cancer specific survival. J

Surg Oncol. 2016 Nov;114(6):764-768. doi: 10.1002/jso.24395. Epub 2016 Aug 26.

PMID: 27562252; PMCID: PMC5560037.


215: Bertolo R, CAPITANIO U; Kidney Cancer Working Group of the Young Academic

Urologists Working Party of the European Association of Urology. Re: Acute

Kidney Injury After Partial Nephrectomy in Solitary Kidneys: Impact on Long-term

Stability of Renal Function. Eur Urol. 2019 Feb;75(2):346-348. doi:

10.1016/j.eururo.2018.10.043. Epub 2018 Nov 8. PMID: 30415769.


216: Martini A, Falagario UG, Bravi CA, Abaza R, Eun DD, Bhandari A, Porter JR,

CAPITANIO U, Montorsi F, Hemal AK, Badani KK. Editorial Comment from Dr Martini

et al. to Independent external validation of a nomogram to define risk

categories for a significant decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate

after robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy. Int J Urol. 2021 Jan;28(1):80-81.

doi: 10.1111/iju.14437. Epub 2020 Nov 9. PMID: 33169453.


217: Zastrow S, Krabbe LM, Wolff I, CAPITANIO U, Klatte T, Ecke T, Huck N,

Borgmann H, Scavuzzo A, Cindolo L, Schips L, Surcel C, Mirvald C, Cabo AV,

Musquera M, Hutterer G, Prochazkova K, Stief C, Wirth M, May M, Brookman-May S.

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218: González J, Gaynor JJ, Martínez-Salamanca JI, CAPITANIO U, Tilki D,

Carballido JA, Chantada V, Daneshmand S, Evans CP, Gasch C, Gontero P, Haferkamp

A, Huang WC, Espinós EL, Master VA, McKiernan JM, Montorsi F, Pahernik S, Palou

J, Pruthi RS, Rodriguez-Faba O, Russo P, Scherr DS, Shariat SF, Spahn M, Terrone

C, Vera-Donoso C, Zigeuner R, Hohenfellner M, Libertino JA, Ciancio G.

Association of an organ transplant-based approach with a dramatic reduction in

postoperative complications following radical nephrectomy and tumor thrombectomy

in renal cell carcinoma. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2019 Oct;45(10):1983-1992. doi:

10.1016/j.ejso.2019.05.009. Epub 2019 May 15. PMID: 31155470; PMCID: PMC8404534.


219: CAPITANIO U, Larcher A, Kriegmair MC, Bertolo R, Salagierski M, Campi R,

Klatte T, Trevisani F, Montorsi F, Mir MC, Ouzaid I; Kidney Cancer Working Group

of the Young Academic Urologists Working Party of the European Association of

Urology. Do We Truly Care About the Functional Outcomes for Renal Cancer

Patients? Multidisciplinarity Is Still Far Away. Eur Urol. 2019

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220: Borregales LD, Pecoraro A, Roussel E, Mari A, Grosso AA, Checcucci E,

Montorsi F, Larcher A, Van Poppel H, Porpiglia F, CAPITANIO U, Minervini A,

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localized renal masses among elderly patients: A contemporary multicenter study.

Eur J Surg Oncol. 2023 Aug 9;49(10):107014. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2023.107014.

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221: Bertolo R, Campi R, Mir MC, Klatte T, Kriegmair MC, Salagierski M, Ouzaid

I, CAPITANIO U; Young Academic Urologists Kidney Cancer Working Group of the

European Urological Association. Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis of the

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Nephrectomy. Eur Urol Oncol. 2019 Sep;2(5):572-575. doi:

10.1016/j.euo.2018.11.008. Epub 2018 Dec 9. PMID: 31412012.


222: Montorsi F, Larcher A, CAPITANIO U. Re: Rohann J.M. Correa, Alexander V.

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Radiotherapy for Primary Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-

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Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Mar;7(2):406. doi: 10.1016/j.euf.2019.08.018. Epub 2019 Sep

26. PMID: 31564640.


223: CAPITANIO U, Larcher A, Dell'Oglio P, Montorsi F. Re: Brian I. Rini, Tanya

B. Dorff, Paul Elson, et al. Active Surveillance in Metastatic Renal-cell

Carcinoma: A Prospective, Phase 2 Trial. Lancet Oncol Lancet 2016;17:1317-24:

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